Sunday, November 06, 2005

Rather boring weekend. I went to the Deadwood on Friday. Darcy stopped by on her way to work and we walked there together. Prior to this I was drinking alone in my apartment. Woo hoo! I thought i'd make it a classy evening by jumping on the Boone's train early and see just where it would take me. Apparently to the Deadwood. As usual. It was a bizarro night though. No one that I usually see & like was there so I was just sitting in a big ol' booth by my lonesome crying & drinking my Leinie's Red. I didn't bring my journal so I had very little to do but stare at people I didn't know, the table, the edge of the table, the carpet, and the table again. It sounds entertaining but it wasn't really. Eventually this girl I know came over and sat down. Everything was fine for a while. She's nice enough and we talked about art since she's an artist herself but after she gets a little tipsy she becomes a raging molesting lesbian. I felt like I was in a fucked up afterschool special. I practically had to beat her off of me. Luckily, a table of Darcy's co-workers who weren't working that night decided to help me and invited me to scamper over to their table instead. It ended up being a nice happy thing because I met this guy who's an intermedia student at the university & we talked about photography & good music for the remainder of the night. It's always nice to meet nice people.
Anyway, Saturday I intended on going to the Deadwood for the big karaoke shabangery but it was so rainy and cold that I just didn't feel up to making the trek there. I was up for it on Friday but the cold just makes me want to veg out in front of the television, hugging my space heater. My space heater is my best friend and secret lover come wintertime. And it oscillates. Which makes it more difficult to hug but I do it anyway.
So, Sunday I got caught up on the netflix dvds I'd been neglecting to watch. I got The Lonely Guy which is a Steve Martin film that I'd actually never seen before. It started off really good but towards the end I wasn't very enthusiastic about it very much at all. It was still okay & had some pretty funny moments but it's no The Jerk.
Then, Darcy invited me to go to sushi with some people she knows from work. I wasn't really feeling like going out especially to meet random people since I have my social anxiety tendencies but I went & it turned out to be a really enjoyable evening. Everyone there was really nice & funny & the guy who invited everyone is apparently pretty well off & paid for everybody as well. Really nice. After that I came home, put on my track suit & played with a little cardboard kitty [photo] while watching the Simpsons Halloween Special. La la la.
I think that's the best story I've ever told. This weekend definitely kicked last weekend's ass in no way whatsoever. By the way, thank you again Darcy for throwing my birthday party-thing. It was definitely odd but fantastically entertaining. Thank you! Thank you! And to Sarah for putting up with me & allowing the party in her home as well. And to Scott for traveling all the way from Chicago to be there. It was wonderful to see you. But stop grinding your teeth. It's bad for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were a drunken lesbian I'd molest you any day. Rowr.

How was the Bday party? You were supposed to call me all drunk-like! Then again, I was supposed to send you a present...