Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hiya. Well, here are the Halloween costumes my friend Darcy & I wore this year. Darcy was Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and purity. I went all mythological myself as the Domino's Noid. Why? No clue. I'm sick. I guess I've been feeling nostalgic lately and felt like re-visiting the 80s. Oh, and I like pizza. Man, do I like pizza. Unfortunately I was never a fan of the Noid so it's rather odd that I decided that that would be the way to go this year but, meh. I also never particularly liked claymation crap such as those delightful California Raisins with their sunglasses and singing and constant slow-motion twirling so once again, it's kinda weird that I chose him. But, it was enjoyable walking around the city in the costume & kinda funny having the drunk kids yell out "NOID!" at me in the bar or on the street and getting pictures taken with the weirdos. I felt almost famous-ish. Saturday was fun. We went to the Deadwood and participated in the costume contest where I made a total ass of myself by attempting to gain more votes by doing some awesome dance moves including the running man, cabbage patch, & some other moves that shouldn't be done in front of a lot of people on a stage unless you're getting paid. For some reason (meaning a jerk in a Bender costume), I didn't win but I got a sash for Most Enthusiastic Display of Embarrassing Behavior that I made for myself when I got home with duct tape and a Sharpie. Uncool? Doubt it.


Anonymous said...

THE NOID RULZ. If I were the judge, I'd give you a sash that says "Most Badass Costume Ever."

Anonymous said...

That Noid costume kicks ass! I wish I ran into you on Saturday so I could see you in your Domino's splendor!

Anonymous said...

i also didnt remember the noid being that attractive. what's up with that? couldn't you have uglied yourself up a little?