Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hmmmm....It's very early in the afternoon & yet I find myself a wee bit drunk after eating a happy lunch & drinking margaritas after class at Mickey's with Darcy. Not entirely sure why I should be blogging after finding myself this way but here I am, type-type-typing away. I found Ellen's recent post about drunk blogging damn near inspirational so maybe that's close enough to a reason to be type-babbling. Sigh. Things are definitely odd right now. I go to my classes for the most part, do what I must do, come home, eat, rest & relax, do homework, and sleep. Sometimes I go out but since the weather's been changing I find myself despising the outdoors with the rain &/or cold &/or windy stuff. Once the snow comes I fear that I will need to drop out of school so that I won't need to venture outside. Is that lazy or am I just particularly susceptible the to waves of hate that accompany the shivering sadness that I become in the winter?
I think that I need a vacation. From Iowa City at least. Ever since I went to New York this summer to visit my friend John, I've been wanting to go back. I'd love to see his neighborhood in the winter which probably strange since I probably wouldn't want to go outside. I miss the rat/asthma playground & Chompy. I miss getting candy from the creepy pimpy clerk whenever I'd go buy 99-cent Arizona canned beverages from that convenience store by the train stop. I miss wandering the city on my own. I miss Chinatown & seeing live eels for sale swimming around little red plastic tubs in the middle of the street. I miss visiting Johnno at Forbidden Planet & his recommending random comic books/graphic novels to me that I most likely will never get around to reading. I miss Coney Island and I wish I had gotten around to spending more time there & visiting Astroland. I don't know. I'm too nostalgic and sentimental. I miss everything all the time. I miss everyone I care about. Then, the people I want most to know that I care about are the ones I'm sometimes least likely to tell. Awwww...sad Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

screw NY! come see me!