Wednesday, February 21, 2007

it was fat tuesday yesterday. i went to a mardi gras party at the deadwood. i dressed up. i entered a costume contest...and lost (again!). there was a $100 dollar prize that was upped to $200 at the last minute. man, that would've been wicked rad to win some cash. people kept telling me all night that i should win and that they'd hoot and holler for me on stage when the time came...but i think they were all too drunk to do anything once the actual costume contest came to be which was after midnight. super lame...but actually the super lamest thing was that the guy that won was just one of those people who wear the rental costume. last night it was a creepy clown outfit which was really just an oversized mask and clown pants. at least he got his rental money back...and then some.

arrrgh! actually i just wanted to put up a pic as an example of the lameness that the dude was wearing but i'm pretty sure i found the actual costume. and the last time the 'wood had a contest the non-creative rental won as well. not cool. anyway, here's the pic of the freaky clown.

freaky, yes, but deserving of a prize...i think not. oh well. i figure that we should just insist on a CREATIVE costume contest next year. that'd be special.

speaking of special, here's darcy and i in our costumes. darcy is in her super darcy crimefighter/server of cold beer costume and i wear my va-va-va voom dress with red plummage. the bottom part of the dress that you can't see is the neat part--it flares out in black and whiteness. darcy was in the contest too. we should've beat up that dumb clown.

i love this picture of darcy:

me, looking a wee bit nuts:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

va voom!