Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Surveys are lame.

Here's another one:

1) Who is the last person you high-fived? shit, i don’t know. darcy?

2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? for a while

3) Do you sleep with the TV on? no, it fucks me up. i like complete darkness and mostly quietness when i sleep.

4) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? yup. out of the carton, out of the gallon container, out of the cow. no, that’s gross.

5) Have you ever won a spelling bee? only the ones when i have in my head when i spell-check my papers and find no spelling errors.

6) Have you ever been stung by a bee? many times. different angry bees though.

7) How fast can you type? medium average.

8) Are you afraid of the dark? i’m afraid of things in the dark but not the dark itself. like stuff that wants to eat me or stab me while i sleep sometimes.

9) Eye color? yes.

11) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower? oh, about a month ago while the roommates were on vacation.

12) Do you knock on wood? for luck? just doors and luckily, it pisses people off.

13) Are you drinking anything right now? i wish. water rules.

14) Favorite animal? i like squirrels now. and kitties 4eva.

15) Can you hoola hoop? i assume i can still do that.

16) Are you good at keeping secrets? yes, survey, i am.

17) What do you want for Christmas? i love stupid shit. stupid nonsensical crap that makes you wonder why they would ever make something so ridiculous. and a kitty.

18) Favorite cereal? um, golden grahams are good. cracklin’ oat bran. raisin bran. bran o’ bran. bran wheats. branchocula. ew.

19) Do you talk in your sleep? i have done it but very few times. though i’ve screamed in my sleep twice.

21) Have you ever flown a kite? yes, long long ago.

23) How many people are on your contact list of your cell? enough.

24) Have you asked for a pony? yeah, and i got a stupid horse instead. serious.

26) Can you juggle? nope. well, two things. not three. does that count?

28) How are you feeling today? tired. stupid radon.

29) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? never.

30) What are you looking forward to? i like wearing pants and sweaters. i love the fall. i’m moving to chicago. it’s exciting.

31) Have you ever crawled through a window? probably but i’m not good at that stuff so i probably scraped myself up pretty bad.

32) Have you ever eaten dog food? yes. not recommended.

33) Movie you can quote every line for line? labyrinth.

34) Favorite fast food breakfast? um, i guess if i had to choose it’d be the ham croissantwich at burget king with the hash rounds. memories of high school.

35) Favorite lunch: pizza’s good always. sandwiches are great too. burgers at mickey’s MAC are great. and masala’s lunch buffet is a-ok.

35) What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? i just got a little fridge to put in the basement and i can honestly say that it only contains 7-up and seagrams right now = dinner. but, 3 things that could always be in my fridge-fridge would be miracle whip, ketchup, & usually orange juice. these don’t taste good together though.

36) Any cool scars? not cool. boring. i have 4-5 little ones. mostly falling down or getting burned by stuff.

37) Are you single or taken, or is it just confusing? “taken”

38) What do you do when no one is watching? dance, pick my nose. together.

39) Do you like dancing? hey! i do!

40) Who did you last talk to on the phone? scotto.

41) Where was the last place you ate? on my bed. i ate a gross spinach salad with feta that was probably old. delicious, huh?

42) What is the last movie watched? i’ve been watching SO SO many movies lately because i’ve been working on an artsy project and want to half pay attention to something while i’m working. so, yesterday and today i watched: the hours, keeping the faith, garden state, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (twice), high fidelity, the matrix, and romy & michele’s. i think i’m gonna get back to projecto now and watch almost famous and/or the jerk.

43) What song did you hear last? werewolf by cat power

44) Would you ever date anyone on your myspace friends list? never! well, except for that guy with the scarves on his head or that dreamy lead singer of harlan pepper. but, no one else!

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