Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Surveys are lame.
Here's another one:
1) Who is the last person you high-fived? shit, i don’t know. darcy?
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? for a while
3) Do you sleep with the TV on? no, it fucks me up. i like complete darkness and mostly quietness when i sleep.
4) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? yup. out of the carton, out of the gallon container, out of the cow. no, that’s gross.
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee? only the ones when i have in my head when i spell-check my papers and find no spelling errors.
6) Have you ever been stung by a bee? many times. different angry bees though.
7) How fast can you type? medium average.
8) Are you afraid of the dark? i’m afraid of things in the dark but not the dark itself. like stuff that wants to eat me or stab me while i sleep sometimes.
9) Eye color? yes.
11) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower? oh, about a month ago while the roommates were on vacation.
12) Do you knock on wood? for luck? just doors and luckily, it pisses people off.
13) Are you drinking anything right now? i wish. water rules.
14) Favorite animal? i like squirrels now. and kitties 4eva.
15) Can you hoola hoop? i assume i can still do that.
16) Are you good at keeping secrets? yes, survey, i am.
17) What do you want for Christmas? i love stupid shit. stupid nonsensical crap that makes you wonder why they would ever make something so ridiculous. and a kitty.
18) Favorite cereal? um, golden grahams are good. cracklin’ oat bran. raisin bran. bran o’ bran. bran wheats. branchocula. ew.
19) Do you talk in your sleep? i have done it but very few times. though i’ve screamed in my sleep twice.
21) Have you ever flown a kite? yes, long long ago.
23) How many people are on your contact list of your cell? enough.
24) Have you asked for a pony? yeah, and i got a stupid horse instead. serious.
26) Can you juggle? nope. well, two things. not three. does that count?
28) How are you feeling today? tired. stupid radon.
29) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? never.
30) What are you looking forward to? i like wearing pants and sweaters. i love the fall. i’m moving to chicago. it’s exciting.
31) Have you ever crawled through a window? probably but i’m not good at that stuff so i probably scraped myself up pretty bad.
32) Have you ever eaten dog food? yes. not recommended.
33) Movie you can quote every line for line? labyrinth.
34) Favorite fast food breakfast? um, i guess if i had to choose it’d be the ham croissantwich at burget king with the hash rounds. memories of high school.
35) Favorite lunch: pizza’s good always. sandwiches are great too. burgers at mickey’s MAC are great. and masala’s lunch buffet is a-ok.
35) What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? i just got a little fridge to put in the basement and i can honestly say that it only contains 7-up and seagrams right now = dinner. but, 3 things that could always be in my fridge-fridge would be miracle whip, ketchup, & usually orange juice. these don’t taste good together though.
36) Any cool scars? not cool. boring. i have 4-5 little ones. mostly falling down or getting burned by stuff.
37) Are you single or taken, or is it just confusing? “taken”
38) What do you do when no one is watching? dance, pick my nose. together.
39) Do you like dancing? hey! i do!
40) Who did you last talk to on the phone? scotto.
41) Where was the last place you ate? on my bed. i ate a gross spinach salad with feta that was probably old. delicious, huh?
42) What is the last movie watched? i’ve been watching SO SO many movies lately because i’ve been working on an artsy project and want to half pay attention to something while i’m working. so, yesterday and today i watched: the hours, keeping the faith, garden state, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (twice), high fidelity, the matrix, and romy & michele’s. i think i’m gonna get back to projecto now and watch almost famous and/or the jerk.
43) What song did you hear last? werewolf by cat power
44) Would you ever date anyone on your myspace friends list? never! well, except for that guy with the scarves on his head or that dreamy lead singer of harlan pepper. but, no one else!
Monday, May 08, 2006
stupid adventureland.
okay, okay...all in all, it was really fun but darcy & i had plans, dammit. we were legal this time and were all excited about having some beers and going on rides. i guess we should have known better once they started handing out these buttons at the front gate.

apparently we chose to go adventureland ourselves on a booze-free weekend. so unbelievably lame. and then it was such a nice sunshiny day that it made us want beers even more. i seriously considered walking to a convenience store and buying some but somehow we managed to enjoy ourselves...only after bitching about it for at least a solid two and a half hours.
anyhooptie, for nostalgia's sake we donned phatty pants and said "dude" a lot. and darcy ate meat.

there were a bunch on new rides. my old favorites are still the Sky Lift (shut up, i like it), the Tornado (which is one of the top 10 wooden coasters in the US...i just learned this recently. woot.), and the newer Outlaw coaster. maybe i'm just getting old but the Dragon roller coaster is, to be impressively articulate, a suckfest. the two loops are fun but the rest of the ride is rather painful and jerky. i came away with a headache. stupid Dragon. snarl.
the new rides that i enjoyed were this weird wheel-shaped ride called the Sidewinder that spins around and swings out over the people in line (bad ride to be sick on) and gives you that googily stomache feeling like the Galleon but more intense. also, a ride called the Underground was really entertaining because it was so stupid and involved a fog machine, unnecessary water spraying, and strobe lights. i enjoyed it way too much.
but the one i liked the most was the Space Shot which is described on the a-land website as: Feel the force of four and one half G's as you're hurled 200 feet into the sky in less than two seconds, and then plunge back to earth as the Space Shot thrusts you down into an all-out free fall as fast as gravity can pull you.
so, yeah, i personally re-name this ride the Orgazmo and that's all I'll say about that.
we went on some water rides too but managed to stay relatively dry. the weirdest part of the day came when we went on the Silly Silo. it was something i always liked as a kid but for some reason this time it just fucked darcy & i up. i guess spinning around so fast that you stick to the wall just doesn't work for me anymore. we didn't get sick or anything we just felt like we needed to sit down and wonder what we just did to our brains. then, we laughed like crazy people for longer than we should have and were glad that we weren't able to drink alcohol because that ride would have made us pass out or at the very least very ill.
well, that's the shorter version of the day. we didn't go to any of the souvenir shops or get those olden day photos taken of ourselves. we did eat everything on the oink list and i ate a tenderloin too (i never eat those) and darcy had a gyro. we had chocolate shakes too. there's something about adventureland that makes you eat. it's sick. no funnel cakes though. good for us...but then, they don't have strawberry topping and whipped cream anymore. what's the point then, eh?
i took pictures on a disposable camera so i'll probably come back and post some pics once i finish the roll and get 'em developed. happy happy.
okay, okay...all in all, it was really fun but darcy & i had plans, dammit. we were legal this time and were all excited about having some beers and going on rides. i guess we should have known better once they started handing out these buttons at the front gate.

apparently we chose to go adventureland ourselves on a booze-free weekend. so unbelievably lame. and then it was such a nice sunshiny day that it made us want beers even more. i seriously considered walking to a convenience store and buying some but somehow we managed to enjoy ourselves...only after bitching about it for at least a solid two and a half hours.
anyhooptie, for nostalgia's sake we donned phatty pants and said "dude" a lot. and darcy ate meat.

there were a bunch on new rides. my old favorites are still the Sky Lift (shut up, i like it), the Tornado (which is one of the top 10 wooden coasters in the US...i just learned this recently. woot.), and the newer Outlaw coaster. maybe i'm just getting old but the Dragon roller coaster is, to be impressively articulate, a suckfest. the two loops are fun but the rest of the ride is rather painful and jerky. i came away with a headache. stupid Dragon. snarl.
the new rides that i enjoyed were this weird wheel-shaped ride called the Sidewinder that spins around and swings out over the people in line (bad ride to be sick on) and gives you that googily stomache feeling like the Galleon but more intense. also, a ride called the Underground was really entertaining because it was so stupid and involved a fog machine, unnecessary water spraying, and strobe lights. i enjoyed it way too much.
but the one i liked the most was the Space Shot which is described on the a-land website as: Feel the force of four and one half G's as you're hurled 200 feet into the sky in less than two seconds, and then plunge back to earth as the Space Shot thrusts you down into an all-out free fall as fast as gravity can pull you.
so, yeah, i personally re-name this ride the Orgazmo and that's all I'll say about that.
we went on some water rides too but managed to stay relatively dry. the weirdest part of the day came when we went on the Silly Silo. it was something i always liked as a kid but for some reason this time it just fucked darcy & i up. i guess spinning around so fast that you stick to the wall just doesn't work for me anymore. we didn't get sick or anything we just felt like we needed to sit down and wonder what we just did to our brains. then, we laughed like crazy people for longer than we should have and were glad that we weren't able to drink alcohol because that ride would have made us pass out or at the very least very ill.
well, that's the shorter version of the day. we didn't go to any of the souvenir shops or get those olden day photos taken of ourselves. we did eat everything on the oink list and i ate a tenderloin too (i never eat those) and darcy had a gyro. we had chocolate shakes too. there's something about adventureland that makes you eat. it's sick. no funnel cakes though. good for us...but then, they don't have strawberry topping and whipped cream anymore. what's the point then, eh?
i took pictures on a disposable camera so i'll probably come back and post some pics once i finish the roll and get 'em developed. happy happy.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Holy roller coasters!
Preparing myself for mega excitement this Saturday at Iowa's biggest amusement park...

I'm assuming a lot of time will actually be spent here...

Let the gluttony begin...
New addition this year:
This may or may not be good.
But it should be entertaining.
Pictures will be taken.
Pictures will be posted.
Pictures should be embarrassing.
Preparing myself for mega excitement this Saturday at Iowa's biggest amusement park...

I'm assuming a lot of time will actually be spent here...

Let the gluttony begin...
New addition this year:
This may or may not be good.
But it should be entertaining.
Pictures will be taken.
Pictures will be posted.
Pictures should be embarrassing.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So, that's what I'm supposed to look like in cartoon form. There's something wrong with my hand though. Or I'm modeling that watch. No, there's something wrong with my hand. It looks like it should be holding something...probably a Skeleton Pincher Functional Claw Blade Spear like
(Buy it for me. I need it.)

another frickin' survey? jesus. don't you have anything better to do...or to blog about?
apparently not.
[50 Have You Evers?]
1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?
i hope so.
2. Slept in a different bed?
no, i’ve taped my mattress to myself to prevent this from ever occurring. wait, actually i have.
3. Made out in a movie theatre?
4. Made out in the forest?
the forest? yes, with ticks.
5. Thought your cousin was hot?
yes, actually. we didn’t do nuthin. shoot.
7. Slept naked?
usually do.
8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?
9. Gone over the speed limit?
never! it’s wrong.
10. Been arrested?
not yet
11. Drove a car?
i believe so, yes.
12. Danced in front of your mirror?
i dance everywhere.
13. Painted your room?
i did when i lived with my parents.
14. Been dumped?
15. Stole money from friend?
16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
yes. they had candy.
17. Been in a fist fight?
18. Snuck out of your house?
i don’t need to do it anymore (since i’m 28 & live alone) but i still do.
19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
yes indeedy.
20. Gotten a hickey?
yes. no likey hickeys.
21. Made out with a stranger?
define stranger.
22. Left your house without telling your parents?
i try not to tell them anymore. they’re not as interested since i haven’t lived at their home for more than a decade.
23. Chopped down a tree?
for what?
24. Ditched school to do something more fun?
sleep is fun.
25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
yes. many times.
26. Seen someone die?
no. well, on tv.
27. Been on a plane?
several times...to europe, japan, south korea, jeju, florida....(yes, florida)
28. Kissed a picture?
i’m constantly kissing pictures...of myself or richard dean anderson.
29. Slept in until 3?
30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
i miss.
31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
of course. once the weather cooperates i will do that some more.
32. Made a snow angel?
do what?
33. Played dress up?
still do. i’m lame.
34. Cheated while playing a game?
yes, i have. don’t let me mix your drink on game night. it’s hard to beat me in scrabble when you’re all roofied up.
35. Been lonely?
of course.
36. Fallen asleep at work/school?
i don’t fall asleep but i come so very very close.
37. Been to a club?
once, i went to a seal clubbing club. but we realized that we lived in iowa (where there are no seals) and we didn’t have any clubs (for clubbing) and that i was the only person there and that i made the whole thing up while i was in line at subway. i ordered a cookie. oatmeal raisin. just kidding. that’s gross. what was the question? no, i live in iowa.
38. Felt an earthquake?
i ordered a brownie earthquake from dairy queen. it felt cold. like my mother’s touch. just kidding. it had hot fudge on it so it was warmish.
39. Touched a snake?
i try not to. they have fangs and death for me that i do not like.
40. Ran a red light?
yup. i ran into one too. it hurt...inside.
41. Been suspended from school?
not that i know of.
42. Had detention?
self-imposed detention.
43. Been in a car accident?
uh, i’ve been in 5, i think. i was always a passenger though.
44. Hated the way you look?
in lycra biking shorts. why do i keep wearing them?
45. Witnessed a crime?
only the ones i’ve committed.
46. Been lost?
in your eyes.
47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
what’s the opposite side of the middle?
48. Felt like dying from embarrassment?
that is a weird question.
49. Cried yourself to sleep?
no, not to sleep. before bed...like a snack.
50. Sang karaoke?
i'm sorry.
Monday, February 27, 2006

And the survey says...
Okay, so I received some surveys from a friend via myspace and decided to finally revisit my blogitty here and to post my answers to it. It's really not too exciting honestly but I figure it may entice me to get my act together and start actively posting on here. And maybe it would inspire you to at least fill out a survey or two & email it to me...that'd be happy. (You should.)
[Survey Number #1]
***the ABC’s in 3’s Survey***
A- Available? Not really.
A - Age: twenty-8.
A- Annoyance: waking me up (in particular drunks being loud outside my building after bar close)
B - Best Friends? darcy, ellen, & john.
B - Bar: deadwood, gabes
B - Birthday? octobre 27
C - Crush: a kid who lives in chicago
C - Car: a focus-y in red
C - Cat: my favorite, my love was always oreo, my cat growing up
D - Dead Pets Name: oreo, egon
D - Dad's Name: donald gene
D - Dog: i had a black lab named chip. he was nuts. i always wanted a shar-pei though. oh, wrinkly.
E - Easiest person to talk to: darcy
E - Eggs: what? um, eggs benedict is good sometimes.
E - Email: the ones i use. i have 3, no, 4.
F - Favorite Color(s): blue-violet
F - Food: pizza (from the sanctuary with fresh garlic, red onions, spinach, tomato, & feta)
F - Foreign Slang: dunno.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: neither. unless the worms are soury.
G - God: they’re all great.
G- Good Time: wherever happiness is
H - Hair Color: dark brown & reddish currently
H - Height: 5'2"
H - Happy: periodically throughout the day
I - Ice Cream: haagen daaz: chocolate chip cookie dough
I - Instrument: acoustic guitar
I - Idol: uh, billy idol?
J - Jewelry: I’m fond of it but only cheap stuff that i won’t be too sad if i lose...but i also like vintage stuff too.
J - Job: i hear those are good for moneys. i should get one.
J - Jokes: spur of the moment jokes that turn out to not be funny at all later but for some reason are hilarious at the time
K - Karaoke: i love karaoke. i feel badly for those who hear me do it.
K - Karma: is nice.
K - Kiss or a hug: both.
L - Longest Car Ride: i usually greyhound it on long trips. longest trip? about 22 hours.
L - Laughing: is my favorite thing.
L- last person you spoke to on the phone: darcy
M - Milk Flavor: chocolate. once i tried root beer flavored milk at a convenience store. do not try this. it is not good.
M - Mother's Name: Kazuko
M - Movie Last Watched: venus beauty institite. ooh la la.
N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: a little of each.
N - Name: karen dee
O One Wish? happy happy lots lots
O - One Phobia? spiders want me dead
O - Otter Pop? i am not.
P - Parents: imperative to my existance. my mom rules.
P- Part of your appearance that you like best: i am best when i am giggling and happy.
P - Part of your Personality you like best: same as above
Q - Quote: my senior yearbook quote which doesn’t make any sense as a senior yearbook quote.
Q - Question for the next person: why’d we meet? was it good for you too?
Q - Quick or Slow? depends on what i’m doing.
R - Reason to smile: all things funny and good
R - Reality TV Show: i don’t know
R - Right or Left: right-handed
S - Song Last Heard: “John, I’m Only Dancing” by David Bowie
S - Season: i like the Fall. in particular sept/oct. but, i like warm weather too.
S - Sex/gender: i am girl. i date boys.
T - Time you woke up: 10:30 am
T - Time Now: 1:28 a.m.
T - Time for bed: between 1-2 am.
U - Unknown Fact about me: i glow in the dark. also, i've always wanted to collect vintage porcelain cats with the jewel eyes but never ever started that collection.
U - Unicorns? are pointy. and delicious.
U - Umbrella - i don’t use them ever.
V - Vegetable you hate: all peppers, artichoke, all olives, celery
V- Vegetable you love: onions, garlic, spinach, potatoes, corn, green beans
V - Vampire movie: The Lost Boys (of course)
W- Worst Habits: procrastination, selective amnesia.
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: a grown-up probably.
W- Where are you traveling to next? chicago? nyc?
X - X-Rays: i can’t remember the last time...maybe when my brother hairline fractured my pinky toe when he kicked me.
X - X-Rated Porn: what of it? do i watch it? nope.
X - XZIBIT: what?
Y - Year you were born: 1977
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: is for suckers.
Z - Zoo Animal: i like animals that are not in zoos better.
Z - Zodiac: scorpio
Z - Zippers, buttons, or snaps: i like buttons.
[Survey # 2]
***Randomy Randomy Survey***
1. How tall are you barefoot?
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
No. No. No.
3. Do you own a gun?
4. Rehab?
Not me.
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
Um, yeah. But, I’ve only really done that twice and it was a casual thing where the boy’s parents didn’t really know i was dating their son or didn’t care.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
they’re pretty gross but i still eat them on rare occasions. i like chili dogs...especially at adventureland.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
the song from the charlie brown christmas special
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
water, oj, coffee (but i’m usually too lazy to make it before class)
9. Do you do push-ups?
when forced.
10. Have you ever done ecstacy?
nope. i wanted to though. i don’t think so now. but maybe.
11. Are you vegan?
12. Do you like painkillers?
I’ve never been on them.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
I have no idea. see below.
14. Do you own a knife?
i have knife earrings. so, i have two....oh, and a bunch of kitchen knives too.
15. Do you have A.D.D?
16. Date Of Birth ?
October 27th 1977.
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. I should be doing homework.
2. I wish I could figure my shit out.
3. I need a vacation.
18. Name the last three things you bought:
1. glitter
2. dye
3. sanctuary pizza
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
1. coffee
2. water
3. soda: usually cherry pepsi or orange sunkist
4. oj
5. beer
20. What time did you wake up today?
21. Current hair?
i’m growing it out but i want to get it cut. i play with it way too much.
22. Current worry?
finishing school, money
23. Current hate?
what was once waves are now simply ripples
24. Favorite place to be?
anyplace with the people i love
25. Least favorite place to be?
anywhere that's not my bed when i'm exhausted
26. Where would you like to go?
italy, a nice warm beach
27. Do you own slippers?
28. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
don’t ask me these things.
29. Do you burn or tan?
i tan i guess.
30. Last thing you ate?
i’m chewing a piece of orbitz sweet mint gum.
31. Would you be a pirate?
until i got tired of saying, “arrgh!” which is never.
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
yesterday at dinner with my mom. i had a killians the size of my head. she had a miller lite the size of her head. we did not finish them.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
anything i have no business attempting to sing...mostly heart, sinead o’conner, journey, etc. and 80s stuff. i mainly sing in my car though.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
everything evil.
35. What's in your pockets right now?
i’m not wearing pants. seriously.
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
my last answer, i guess.
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
i only remember my alphabet sesame street sheets. they were a’ight.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
i don’t think i’ve ever really had a super bad injury in my life. i twisted my ankle last year. that’s about it.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
41. Who is your loudest friend?
i had a friend that i don’t see anymore. she was really really really loud.
42. Who is your most silent friend?
uh, myself?
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
Not sure. Maybe.
44. Do you wish on stars?
Only the star light star bright first star I see tonight...sometimes.
45. What is your favorite book?
a light in the attic
46. What is your favorite candy?
wonka bars are good.
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
i’m getting married? the humpty dance? no, i believe there will be karaoke. we will sing a painful duet & try to convince everyone at the wedding that we are serious. or not. wait, i’m getting married?
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
3 times a lady.
49. What were you doing 12AM last night?
50. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
someday i may.
[Survey #3]
***Silliness with names***
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (your pet and street name) i don't currently have a pet so i'll use the name of my most recent one.
egon burlington
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmothers first name, favorite candy)
Lillian Wonka.
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
K. Cor
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite animal, name of high school mascot)
Kitten Warrior (nice)
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, the street you grew up on)
Dee Otis
6. YOUR OPPOSITE SEX NAME: (name of opposite sex parent, cell phone Company you use)
Donald Verizon
7. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name)
Cor Kin Ego
8. PORN STAR NAME: (Childhood pet, Mothers maiden name)
Ginger Kinjo.
Monday, January 02, 2006
woo! man, i suck at blogging. when i first started this thing i just assumed i'd spit up some randomness and it would be kinda entertaining for myself and the fortunate (unfortunate?) few who have access to it. but, i've discovered that i just don't have the desire needed to keep up with it. maybe i should have a more exciting life but if i did then i really wouldn't have time to write these things down to share with all y'all. bummerfish. well, i think i need to re-think this whole thing...maybe come up with something that suits me better...because i do like having this space to share but i may be too lazy to talk about myself & my life & everything. it will either be horrifically mundane or entertaining. i'll decide & you'll see, oh yes, you will see...
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